Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quick Update...

As of today...July 9, 2008

My CA125 is 1019...down from 1090 (3 weeks ago)...not thrilled with that number...need to be below 35...just seems like yesterday I was bitchin' about being in the 400's.

I've had my lung drained 3 times...feeling like I'm in need of another stick soon. Is it normal to be out of breath while going pee?

I've had 2 iron infusions...feeling better but still tired...sick and tired to be exact! Sick and tired of the whole damn thing:
...the chemo...the fatigue...the frustration...the bills...the not knowing...the wandering mind...the prayers...the lies...

I haven't been too thrilled with the way things have been going's been a rough ride...I'm in need of some smooth sailing but it's hard to flip the switch and think positive thoughts...pray...meditate...visualize.

I use to be good at that it's a struggle and I need to's just not happening at this present moment. It will come back to me though...I am confident and positive about that...(I think).

I'll just be over here waiting for my epiphany.

1 comment:

Christa said...

Thanks for doing the blog. What a great thing for all of us who do love you and wonder (daily) how and what you are doing.

Let some of us take on the praying and positive thoughts too so its not all on you. Your strenth and honesty are exact and refreshing. You lift me most days! I thank you for sharing your life with me; the good, the bad and the ugly.

One day at a time, sister. Tomorrow might be better than today was (I hope).

I love you,
